What is Reiki?

Reiki is known as the universal life force energy. Everything and everyone is connected to this energy.

What are the benefits of receiving Reiki?

  • Relieve pain through relaxation

  • Reduce stress & anxiety

  • Clear suppressed emotions

  • Awaken self awareness & intuition

  • Improve sleep

What might you feel/experience during a Reiki session?

Everyone’s experience with Reiki is different. In fact, my experience with each client is different. Some people may feel tingles or warmth, sense a light around them, see images or colors, or even hear a message. Not everyone experiences something during their session, however! For some the effects are felt later. In that same light, while I usually feel tingles and warmth, see images or hear a message, there are times when I don’t experience anything other than being present for my client. Not feeling/experiencing anything during the session doesn’t mean something is wrong or that the session isn’t working.

How does a typical Reiki session look?

When you come in for a session, we will sit and chat for a few moments about your goals, what you are feeling, if there is pain or emotions or energy you are feeling is trapped and needs help to move. After that you will get cozy on the heated table, I’ll smoke cleanse us and the space with palo santo, then send up a silent prayer for guidance and aide during the session. Once I begin, I tend to become very quiet and focused, this is your time to relax, close your eyes, and just experience this time for yourself. After the session you’ll have a few minutes to lie on the table in peace while I get you some water and/or tea. It is up to you at this point if you want to chat about your or my experiences during the session or if you’d prefer to leave in quiet reflection.

How long does a Reiki session last?

Currently Reiki sessions are 60 minutes as a standalone session or can be added on to other sessions for 30 minutes. While some clients chose to do a single session, it is usually recommended to do 2-3 consecutive sessions.

What else can you tell me?

I have been a Reiki master for 4 years and trained under the Usui lineage. Jennifer is currently working on her Reiki Teacher certification and will be offering in person and online classes. In office sessions can be booked here on our website. To schedule a distance session please send me a text at 360.868.7005